Mixing the collaborative work between students from different countries and letting them to be the producers of the contents, is the way to change the way they learn… is the way to engage them.


"It was a nice experience. It was the reason to our motivation to improve English and by this way to be able to communicate with people from other countries. Working in Skype with students from New York let me being more interested in English and litle by litle I was studing harder. I think that this project allowed me to travel to an English speaking country." Laura Aguado (16 years old).



"(...)by this project I was interested to learn English and I realized that I could be in touch with people from different countries and I didn't have to learn the languages of all countries." David Aguado (12 years old).

"(...)even if we were far, we felt friends. At the same time it was the reason to learn English and specially to realize the importance of this language, we needed it to be in touch with our new friends from Poland." Ariadna Lanzas (12 years old).


But this motivation, this new energy, flows not only in the students. It flows in teachers too. One of the things that I always try to do, when I start a new project, is to promote the relation between teachers. Sharing ideas, tools and knowledge. Because every teacher always has something to add to any project. It’s necessary to let them to find their role and by this way the project will grow more and more.  

Toledo Madrid 081


"The project aroused curiosity and brought a lot of excitement in the class. It was also an excellent way to improve my own skills in using new technologies." Anna Gorka (Teacher from Poland).

"I think technology is a great tool to learn, also they can review what they learned in the class for social sciences. They enjoy more." Nihal Yazgan (Teacher from Turkey).